I want to be an Eagle Scout!
Young women of Scouts BSA may earn the Eagle Scout rank and be eligible for scholarships. Becoming an Eagle Scout takes perseverance and hard work. Colleges and Universities recognize your accomplishment and hard work. The US Military advances all Eagle Scouts one rank immediately. Employers take special notice and raise your application to the top.
Begin with the End in Mind. With a clear vision of becoming an Eagle Scout, continue doing something each day, each week to make your dream happen. Dr. Stephen R. Covey has this recommendation to make us more effective and to achieve lifelong results.
Scouts must earn all of the BSA ranks starting at the beginning with the "Scout" rank, earn 21 merit badges including several that are required, demonstrate responsible and continuous leadership, complete an Eagle service project, and show Scout Spirit.
BSA provides a more complete description of the BSA rank advancements including the ranks of Scout, Tenderfoot, Second Class, First Class, Star, Life, and Eagle Scout.
Some Eagle Scout required merit badges have very specific months long and special activity requirements that must be completed. Plan ahead. Camping, Cooking, Personal Management, Personal Fitness, and Family Life merit badges and others are included in this group. Please review all the requirements.
Remember that advancement is simply a means to an end, not an end in itself. It is one of several methods designed to help us carry out the aims and mission of the Scouts BSA.
Eagle Coaches are ready to help you!
All those who have reached the peak of "Eagle Mountain" have started the same way by taking that first step. Once you reach Life Scout, take the first step by talking to our troop's expert Eagle Coach.
Once you become Life rank, you will be assigned an Eagle Project Coach. Your Coach is an Eagle Scout and/or has Eagle daughters or sons. They have successfully helped other Scouts through the steps to Eagle. If you do not know who your Coach is, ask the Scoutmaster. They will advise and approve your Eagle Service Project requirements. Anytime you have questions, project ideas, or problems contact your Eagle Coach. Meet and talk with your Eagle Coach early and often.
Help is here to guide you!
Work closely with your Eagle Coach to help you plan your Eagle Service Project and prepare all the paperwork. After you have printed and read the LIfe to Eagle Preparation Guide, meet with your Eagle Coach.
BSA is very fussy about the paperwork. All dates, signatures, and forms must be filled out completely and accurately. The Proposal must have lots of exact details about the project (e.g., cost breakdown, project description, detailed scope of work, etc.). Listen to your Eagle Coach and the committee then take action to correct all edits. This takes time. A detailed and properly completed proposal will get your project approved faster.
Failure to plan is a plan to fail. It's worth the time to plan a well executed project.
Life to Eagle Preparation Guide (print it!)
Congrats! You're an Eagle Scout.
What's next? When do I get my Eagle rank?
After passing your Eagle Scout Board of Review, the Eagle Scout Court of Honor is a special event celebrating a Scout's journey to reaching the peak of "Eagle Mountain." As the highest rank that few ever achieve, it's now time to recognize all your hard work and what it means to become an Eagle Scout for life. It is also time to officially receive your Eagle Scout rank patch and medal at your Court of Honor.
Below are some template ceremony ideas which an Eagle Scout and their family may use as a framework as they create their special day of celebration. Note that a Scout's family may wish to hold this ceremony for more than one Eagle Scout family to share the cost and work The timing, cost, ceremony, and uniqueness is generally up to the Eagle Scout with just a few exceptions which you may discuss with your troop leadership. Ask Troop leadership for guidance and the Eagle Celebration Kit!
This is an important event not only for the Scout but also for all those who help support them along the way including parents/guardians and mentors. The planning takes about eight weeks to do properly, so please start planning now to be sure invited guests can come and you have a place reserved. You may also wish to receive congratulatory letters from the President and others which all takes time.
It is typical to invite the Troop Scouts and Leaders along with your family and friends.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor: (see Google for more)
Timeline (generally about 8 weeks)
Please visit Narragansett Council's website for step-by-step instructions guiding you through the process! http://www.narragansettbsa.org/advancement/eagle-scout-advancement-information/66417